Monday, December 30, 2019

No Place is Safe

I opened Flipbook to the news and the first piece was the White Settlement, Texas shooting. The first thought that jumped to my mind was that this was an awful event and, yet again, highlights the need for better gun regulations to minimize the illegal and lethal use of firearms.

But, Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick stated that the security in the church shot and killed the shooter within "six" seconds of the event happening. If this statement is near fact, then every parishioner in the state of Texas should be disturbed. The security people may have undergone rigorous training in their firearms use, but they were absolutely willing to KILL the shooter. It is my understanding that regulated police forces refrain from killing except in the most extreme set of circumstances.

Instead of detaining or stopping the shooter from continuing to squeeze that trigger, the security people killed him as a first action. There will be those who will count the parishioners as more important than the shooter. But, as a CHURCH, are they not supposed to value all life equally? Are they not supposed to try to subdue the shooter instead of killing him? As a church, are they not supposed to give the sinner every opportunity to repent? Are they not supposed to forgive him, even in the presence of overwhelming evidence of sin?

And what government is willing to acquiesce their power to these religious organizations? We already know that the Catholic Church abused their influence in Europe for centuries through inquisitions and crusades. What more then when the separation of church and state is no longer enforced? What else will these 'religious security forces' do in the name of security?

What this event showed is that people are willing to be blind when it is convenient and not look when it is right.
