Sunday, April 17, 2011

Just how lazy can you be?

Don't answer that. Just tell me why there are drivers today that are changing lanes and turning at intersections without signaling? How hard is it to use a turn signal? I'm reminded of that one scene in Shoot 'Em Up and I'll paraphrase here: it's just a f***ing inch from your finger to flip a switch to signal right. And, people, it's an extra half inch to signal left.

There are those (and I'm assuming here) that will say "I don't have to signal because it's always the other driver's fault." This is wrong thinking. Just because you assume it's the other guy's fault DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE.

"I have a bigger car, so other people need to accommodate for me." Even though you have a driver's license doesn't mean you own the road. The driver's license is a type of permit, meaning it is a priviledge, NOT A RIGHT.

"I have too many things to think about while I'm driving." When you are behind the wheel, the only thing you are required to think about is driving. Everything else is a distraction to the driving. Remember, you are driving a MISSILE. Even 25 mph collisions can be fatal.

The turn signal isn't there to be ignored. The turn signal is there to make driving safer for everyone. Use it or don't drive at all.

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