Friday, March 23, 2012

A Blog I've Had Run-Ins With

I was looking through the new PvP Online website and found a link to one of Scott Kurtz's favorite reviews of one of his strips. (I can't seem to rewrite that last bit, regardless of how much I want to.) The link went to Websnark.

To be honest, Websnark can be a bit snarky, but that's part of the charm. The author (Erik something-or-other) comments on slice of life events as they relate to his interests. The majority of his interests, however, cover comic books (DC Comics, boo!) and web comics (at least three of the web comics that I peruse on a daily schedule he comments heavily on). I like his tone of writing, his insight into many things that irk people, and his dedication to blogging for the masses. Through PvP Online I was reintroduced but glad I reacquainted myself with the articles. Sometimes he dissects comic strips, sometimes he just reports on what certain comics tried to do and either failed or just missed the point.

Oh, and the address is Make sure you type that "new" in there to get the current articles. Without the "new" you will go to the old website.


P.S.: It seems Erik has not posted since last October. That's sad because I was looking forward to seeing more posts about stuff.

If you can stand it, I would go and read the backlog of articles just to see how entertaining Mr. Erik whatever-the-hell-his-last-name-is can be.

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