Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Zombies and Why We Really Don't Want Them

As entertaining as the movies, books, and video games are in this genre, I don't think a zombie apocalypse will be fun. It will be as far from fun as a nuclear holocaust.

Let's just take the example that most people enjoy in the genre: the biological outbreak type of zombie. In the first stage there are a few people who are infected, die, and then convert into zombies. The first wave begins spreading the virus to other humans by biting but not killing their victims.

Stage two is where the zombies begin multiplying, but can still be contained IF local authorities can find every single zombie. In any zone, the force sent in must locate, isolate, and destroy any reported zombies. The problem is that if even one zombie escapes the control zone then the threat is reset to stage one in a different region. It is imperative that any force containing the virus STERILIZE the hot zone. This includes removing all potential patients from the hot zone and destroying all infected individuals regardless of current health status. This will seem cold, but the future of the human race is at stake: there is no sugarcoating necessary protocols when survival is the priority.

Stage three is where the shit hits the fan. There are too many zombies shambling about and not enough local trained forces to subdue the threat. A larger military force with options for area destruction are brought in. With proper planning and efficient use of the current terrain, the threat might still be containable, but hopes for rescuing the local population are lost. Complete destruction of all life that can be infected (in this case, all humans) is THE ONLY GOAL. Public fallout from non-humanitarian action must be ignored if the rest of the national population is to be protected.

Stage four is the final phase. Here the zombie threat is multiplying beyond any one nation's control. Whole regions are falling to the exponential growth of the zombie army. By sheer numbers alone the zombie threat overwhelms country after country. Infections pop up everywhere and areas once thought safe are threatened by infected living humans. At this point everything that life depends on must be secured: clean water that can be isolated or purified by artificial means; a food supply that can replenish itself at least twice a year; geographical boundaries that can help protect the remaining healthy population from external attacks by the undead. Remember that these resources will be fought for by the survivors who can think.

No, I would not like the zombie apocalypse.


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