Monday, September 10, 2012

Well, that was nice.

Blarg! Just, blarg! Will post something up here in a few days, but right now I'm just blarg! Nothing really important to say.

Oh, yeah. Out of the two candidates for U.S. President this year, I'm voting for Barack Obama. If Romney wins then the Republicans will focus on changing the laws that Obama has changed while adding more tax benefits for the rich and denying benefits for everyone else across the board. If Obama wins then he will continue working towards giving the middle class (regardless of race, gender, creed, and gender preference in personal relationships) while the Republicans will put up as many roadblocks as they can. Actually, that's how the Republicans act in any four-year Democratic president term. Yay status-quo! (Sarcasm. That's sarcasm there!)

I want to see Obama finish what he started. No president gets anywhere in four years, but they do get something done in eight.


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