Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Their Words, Not Mine

I am not a connoisseur of art. I would not know what good art is, even if it bit me in the ass.

However, there is an artist out there whose art I love. Her online name is loish and I found her art through DeviantArt. (Put away the dirty thoughts.) Her pictures make me jealous of her skills, but the way she uses color and the textures that she implements in her pictures is amazing to me. Her skill shows brilliantly in the grunge pieces she makes, especially "Entertainment System". I cannot help but stare at the piece. I've commented on the piece before but I will say it again: I neither hate nor love "Entertainment System", but it does enthrall me. I rarely see it and I have to admit it is not spectacular or mind blowing to most anyone. For me, personally, I must drink in the sight and look at every line, every color, and futilely dive into the "painting". Just thinking about the piece is making me relive the first unclarified emotions and sensations I had at first glance.

Now I'm tearing up. Artists seem to have that power.


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